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Endoscopy: Purpose and Procedures

06/10/2021 Endoscopy

Dr. Jonathan Elihú Pedraza Tinoco


Endoscopy is an ambulatory procedure that allows the medical team to observe the interior of a specific cavity of the human body through tubular equipment that is easy to manipulate, called an endoscope. Endoscopes have a camera and light source at their tip and are controlled by a specialist. There are different types of endoscopies for different organs.

CystoscopyUrinary TractUrologist

Superior Endoscopy



Upper digestive tract

(Pharynx, esophagus, stomach and first portion of the duodenum)


Surgeon Specialized in Endoscopy



Lower digestive tract

(Rectum, sigmoid, colon and ileocecal valve)


Surgeon Specialized in Endoscopy


(Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)

Biliary tract


Surgeon Specialized in Endoscopy


As a surgeon and specialist in digestive endoscopy, I specialize in endoscopy with a focus on the gastrointestinal tract. Our digestive system suffers continuously, thanks to our eating habits and the constant stress of our daily lives.               

The most common procedures for me are:


  • Upper digestive endoscopy or panendoscopy: it aids in diagnosing and treating ailments such as:
    • Gastritis,
    • Reflux,
    • Foreign body retention in the digestive tract (for example, children who obstruct their gastrointestinal tracts while eating foreign objects)
    • Esophagitis (inflammation of the digestive tract that goes from the throat to the stomach)
    • Esophageal varices (abnormally swollen veins in the gastrointestinal tract from the throat to the stomach, generally related to liver problems).
    • Upper digestive tract bleeding
    • Helicobacter pylori infection (a bacteria found in the digestive system and causes symptoms such as pain, nausea, loss of appetite, swelling, and inflammation.)
  • Colonoscopy: Helos to diagnose and treat diseases of the rectum and large intestine in its final part. Some of the ailments can be diagnosed, and treated are:
    • Diverticula (small bags that are formed in the internal wall of the intestine. Diverticula occur when these bags swell up or are infected.)
    • Hemorrhoids,
    • Lower digestive tract bleeding,
    • Polyps (a group of cells found in the colon in the form of a lump, some of them can become cancerous).
    • Inflammatory bowel disease,
    • Fistulas or Infections,
    • Fissures,
    • Irritable Bowel,
    • Colitis.
  • ERCP: Helps in the detection and management of diseases of the biliary tract, stones in the biliary ducts, and tumors of the biliary tract.
  • Abdominal surgery for laparoscopy and mini-laparoscopy: resolving problems such as appendicitis, gallbladder disease, hernias, and intra-abdominal tumors.

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