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Preventive Check-Ups. 3 Reasons why you should do it


Being healthy is invaluable to a human being; without health, we can't do anything, and yet we do not usually pay attention to it, taking it for granted until, unfortunately, something happens.

In this blog, we share with you the three main reasons why you should have a check-up:

Second Level Ultrasounds in Pregnancy


During pregnancy, in addition to the basic ultrasounds, there are those known as second-level ultrasounds, structural or genetic, which consist of a detailed evaluation of the baby, analyzing internal and external structures to detect possible anomalies promptly. Additionally, the growth and evaluation of the placenta and the amniotic fluid are checked.

 A total of 3 ultrasounds are performed throughout the 9 months of gestation

Myopia progression and prevention


Myopia is the most common benign vision problem worldwide and has become a worldwide epidemic. Currently, more than 50% of the population in industrialized countries suffers from myopia. The number is expected to increase to 50% of the world's population by 2050 due to modern lifestyles



Much has been heard lately in the news about the outbreak of a "new" disease called "Monkeypox". There has been much speculation about its level of contagion and its repercussions on the population's health, even presenting it as the next global pandemic, successor to COVID-19.

How much of this is true? This article summarizes what is known about this disease and how you can protect yourself from it or treat it.

Eye Care


During our daily lives, we encounter various factors that can adversely affect our visual health; the harm caused will depend on our lifestyle and/or daily habits.

North America Travel Information. January 2022


Travelers who have tested positive to COVID with an antigen test will only be able to travel by showing a traveler's letter issued by a health professional. This letter will be issued under the following criteria

1 to 4th Week. Pregnancy week by week


Learn about the changes you can expect week by week during your pregnancy. Costamed accompanies you

Covid-19. Omnicron Variant


During the month of January 2022, Mexico is experiencing a peak of infections derived from the OMICRON variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; this variant is responding to an evolutionary process of the virus.

In Costamed Medical Group, we want to share the answers to frequently asked questions about the new variant.

How to store breastmilk


Having created your Milk Bank (see our blog "Milk Bank"), it is essential that you know how to handle and manipulate milk for your baby's consumption.

Milk Bank


In today's world, it is expected that after having your child, you have to return to work, and it is generally at this time that formula ceases to be the primary sustenance, and formula becomes much more convenient. However, there is a way in which you can keep using your milk to feed your baby by growing your very own "Milk Bank".