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Home Office

During this Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, people are staying home to avoid exposing themselves to the virus.

It is essential to acknowledge all the changes that occur from being in quarantine. We need to feel useful and satisfied, and there are things that you can do to achieve this.

Here we will who you how you can achieve a healthy work routine:

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Be thankful for a new day

At the beginning of every day, it is vital to take a moment and be grateful for a fresh start. It doesn’t have to be religious; this activity allows our brain to begin the day on a positive note.

Take at least 10 minutes to be thankful for three things in your life. You can consider simple things such as a comfortable bed, family, or pets, the sounds of birds when you wake up, and other simple things.

We usually make the mistake of looking at our social media first instead of saying hello to our family. We grab our cellphones and dive into and waves of information, good and bad. All that negativity can set the mood for the rest of our day. Avoid it!

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Breathe to release stress

It is understandable and prevalent to feel stress and anxiety during this quarantine. Breathing can help reduce your stress levels, it helps oxygenate the brain, and it allows you to use your energy positively.

There is a breathing technique recommended by Nursing Doctor Harpreet Gujral, program director for Integrative Medicine at the Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital. It is known as 4-7-8 breathing, and you can perform it like this:

  • Inhale and slowly count from 1 to 4. Let your chest get full of oxygen.
  • Keep that breath in by counting from 1 to 7.
  • Exhale counting slowly from 1 to 8.

You should repeat this cycle 4 times. While you do the exercise, pay close attention to your body. Notice how your chest fills up, and how all the air is released. Notice the sensations in your chest, throat, be conscious of how the air enters and leaves your body.

You can practice this exercise as many times as you want during the day. Pay close attention to what causes you stress and anxiety and try to find solutions, and remember that controlling your breath will help with your anxiety symptoms.

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Remain active at home

You can keep busy at home, and it is crucial to stay healthy by moving. You can clean and organize your home to stay active.

If you are working from home, take a break every 10 to 20 minutes when you are working and walk around. Standing up regularly is something that we should be doing even during normal circumstances. Sitting for long periods can be detrimental to your heart health.

Stretching is important, as well as doing yoga or qi-gong, here we share a few videos with you:

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Correct Nutrition

Being in quarantine is not an excuse to stop eating well. On the contrary, during these times, your immune system is at risk, and we need to be eating healthier than ever. Make it a point to indulge in vegetables and fruits. Eating the most natural foods will improve your immune system while eating junk food will only make you more vulnerable.

It is also a great time to consider reducing sugary and processed foods, which generate systemic inflammation. It is tough not to eat our feelings during stressful times, but keep in mind that these types of foods will only hurt you and make you more vulnerable.

An excellent activity to engage with family is looking up healthy recipes and learning to cook them at home. The internet is full of great recipes, and they are free.

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Organizing your Home Office

If you are working from home, we want to share some ideas that are useful in learning how to work from home. Digital Marketer Juan Lombana has the following suggestions:


Objective: Synchronize your team according to the workload.

Instructions: Maximum duration 15 minutes. Always have this meeting at the same time, be punctual.

Each participant should meet three key points:

  • Positive thoughts for the day, it helps establish a harmonic environment.
  • What are your priorities for the day? Only for that day. Establish the workload for every participant.
  • Talk about priorities that haven’t been achieved and what steps need to be taken to fulfill these tasks.

On Mondays, you can substitute point b and talk about the priorities for the week. On the first days of the month, you can replace point b and talk about monthly priorities.


Objective: There should be constant communication through group chats.


Objective: Break the myth that people working from home are less productive. When you set deadlines, productivity increases.


Objective. Set a specific work area and a schedule, maintaining productivity as well as post-work relaxation techniques.


  • Change clothes, do not work in your pajamas. Using work clothes help your brain understand that you are ready for work.
  • Avoid working in your resting area, or on the bed.
  • Designate a home office area where you are comfortable and have access to light, internet, and sufficient ventilation.


Objective. Establishing barriers where you can meet a work Schedule without mixing it with home tasks. It is also not healthy to work all day, and rest is vital to keep productivity and creativity alive. Remember also to schedule your lunchtime. 

Instructions. Establish work time, lunchtime. Share your Schedule with your team so that everyone can work around the same Schedule and that they can respect your work hours and so you can respect theirs.


Objective: Be available during your work hours. If you have shared your work hours with your team, then they should be able to reach you during those times, this will keep everyone organized, and productivity will increase.


Objective. You can have short video chats for easy work questions.

Instructions: Maintain short calls from 2, 5, or 10 minutes. Use the chat for simple questions only.


Objective. When there are questions on how to finish a task, you can create video tutorials for subsequent consultation.


Objective. Make all work files available to your team with programs such as Google Drive or Dropbox.


Objective: Increasing productivity. Communications should triple when you work from home, use all available methods to keep everyone in the loop. 

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