Dr. Rodrigo Castillo Monforte

PROF. LIC. 8097725

Dr. Rodrigo Castillo Monforte

Internal Medicine

PROF. LIC. 8097725

Study university:Autonomous University of Yucatan
Costamed Agreements:Participating Doctor for Promotions and Business Agreements Costamed

General Medicine

Study university:Autonomous University of Yucatan
Professional License:5869220
Additional Certifications and Education:
  • Safety of Contrast Media in Magnetic Resonance and Gadolinium Deposits in the Human Body 08-17
  • High Performance Teams, Update on Regenerative Medicine Special Techniques 07-19
  • Equipment Management 4008S Hemodialysis Monitor 12-15
  • EMIVA - Evaluation and Comprehensive Management of the Airway 07-19
  • Use and management of the machine Dialogue +HD, USLS - BL1 P 05-25-19
  • Employer Labor Defense, Hepatology Congress 06-19